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Thank you for helping us reach our goal!


THANK YOU to all our generous donors and sponsors who supported our drive to obtain a haemoglobin analyzer! Because of your generosity, we are now able to purchase and implement this life-saving treatment at the hospital in Matangwe. We plan to implement this service over the next few months, saving many patients the challenge of traveling to another community to receive this service.

The tests will be completed on site and the results will be readily available. Once we have it in place, we can test for anemia, other serious illnesses and common infections. It will be particularly helpful for pregnant women, patients with malaria who require immediate care and the older, frail adults who cannot make the trip to another community without great difficulty.

Now the doctors will readily have the information they need to start treatment as early as possible and improve the outcomes for our patients. 

Thank you once again for helping us change lives, one community at a time!